There are a couple of reasons Ninendo decide to design the Wii to be so unique. One was because the GameCube blew goats. But their marketing department would like to tell you that its to give the average couch sitting video gamer some sort of exercise.
And Wii games are fun. You really are swinging a baseball bat, a golf club or a sword (yeah, the new Zelda is sorta awesome. Screw you). Its a way for people who are not good at golf, to be good at golf using a similar skill set. So what task would they accomplish now? Eating.
On May 12, "Major League Eating: The Game" hits shelves. Exclusively for the Wii. To quote Nintendo World Report:
The game features the world's greatest gurgitory athletes competing across a variety of foods and venues. Built much like a classic fighting game and deeper than a Chicago style deep-dish pizza, MLE: The Game requires players to master a smorgasbord of offensive and defensive weapons including bites, burps, belches, mustard gas and jalapeƱo flames while cramming and chewing food at a world-class pace. It's not for the faint of heart, the slow of reflex, or those with an overly strong aversion to a Technicolor reversal of fortune.
Players will use the Wii-mote to simulate different eating techniques including the cram, toss, and "typewriter."
You can play 2 player mode or online. And apparently the 2 player mode will feature plenty of mini-games and competitions for you and your friends. And all the big names are a part of the game. Play as Crazy Legs, Kobiyashi, that Asian Girl, Joey Chesnut, Eater X, you name it!
Here is a screen shot.

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