Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Afternoon Link

So a brief confession, I enjoy going to the bathroom when I am at work. I like sitting (I sit every time at work, no matter what) in a quiet place, with no phones, computer screens or annoying coworkers. And more times than not, I come up with a great idea in there.

That being said, there is no way I could spend 2 straight years on the toilet. 2 YEARS. She just straight up refused emergency services as (you may not want to continue reading) "her skin grew around the seat".

Her boyfriend (which, that is a whole new set of questions. Your girlfriend was stuck on the toilet for 2 years?! Where did you see that relationship going?! What made you finally decide, ok, I think I should call someone? What did you think just a month into this? "I bet she will come out in a few days..."), finally called the cops.

Fresh from the AP wire, read the story for yourself.

Source: The Big Lead

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