Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Voting Season!

Its an election year and everyone has a various method on trying to win your vote. As Hillary and Obama battle it out in various states no one cares about (love you Indiana!), there is a senate race in Oregon that demands our attention.

Politics is a strange debate. We get caught up over trying to vote for someone who is like us, because somehow we view "like us" as "represents us best", which is really different. I won't pontificate for too long, but its the reason we have had the same president for the past 8 years. Because he was way more like us than a snooty Kerry. We could have a beer with Bush!

People are slowly realize that people can be, and in fact should be, smarter than us. We don't need people like us in Washington, we need people who can lead us.

And yet, against everything I have just said, I have found my man for Oregon's senatorial spot. Steve Novick. Steve is running on the platform that he isn't your typical politician. And he is not. He is 4'9". He isn't an orangish-color with slicked back hair. Oh, and he has a metal hook. That he uses at bars!

Check out this political ad:

He manages to work in the aspect that I WOULD want to sit around and have a beer with him, with the fact that he is half cyborg! You knew this day would come! He also has this brilliant ad:

You feeling that? Its a candidate you can really love. Deep down you don't love any other candidate. You like Hillary because you are a female. You like Barack because you don't want other people to know you harbor racist thoughts. You like McCain because you like ruling the world on shear terror. But you like Steve Novick because he is short and has a hook. And apparently quite humorous.

Is it too early for me to buy yet?

Source: The Big Lead

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