Sunday, March 2, 2008

Rules that Need to Happen

By Kirby

I am back from my trip to the Lone Star State and thought I would get a quick post in just to make sure everyone's RSS feeds didn't leave us for dead. 

Its also a nice time to introduce this new segment to the blog. Yeah, its sort of a rip off of Bill Maher's "New Rules", but these will hopefully be presented in a less pretentious and condescending manner.

After my time spent on planes recently, I have come up with some airplane rules. 

Rule: If the flight attendants start their talk by informing everyone that we have a full flight, and the first thing you do is recline your seat, you deserve it when I constantly hit the back of your seat. Just because the airlines all of a sudden promote "more leg room" doesn't mean I am going to enjoy staring at your bald spot for the next 3 hours, while my knees are pressed firmly against the Sky Mall Catalog. 

Rule: If I am flying on your airline and order a soda, I don't want those tiny glasses, filled with 80% ice and an eighth of a can of soda. Just give me the can with the ice glass. You can charge me an extra 50 cents on my ticket to cover your lost soda can fees. 

Rule: Earbuds in my ear mean, I don't want to talk to you, stranger. Unless you have candy.

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